
Start’Up is the name of the priming technology used by SESVanderHave on the majority of our sugar beet seeds.

Priming means that the seeds are ‘activated’ to ensure faster and more uniform field germination. The seeds are first cleaned and then treated in installations designed for this purpose. The field results achieved are astonishing:

  1. The seeds germinate faster, and vigour under stress conditions improves, thus extending the growth cycle.
  2. More uniform emergence results in more uniform sugar beet size and shape, making the beets easier to harvest.
  3. Field emergence is more uniform, facilitating much more efficient weed control.
  4. These benefits combine to deliver the one advantage that really matters: up to 3% increase in the yield of a sugar beet field thanks to Start’Up.

Faster field emergence

Primed seeds emerge sooner and ensure a more uniform population. As a result, the rows close up more quickly, and crop treatments are easier. Start’Up proves its added value particularly under difficult sowing conditions. In extreme cold or drought, or in crusted soils, primed seeds will germinate up to a week earlier than ordinary seeds.

Start’Up outperforms the competition

Various independent European research institutes have examined the results achieved with SESVanderHave’s priming technique. Start’Up often stands out as the best priming technique offered by any sugar beet seed producer.

Bert Vandenbussche, Project Leader Seed Technology at SESVanderHave, confirms the good results delivered by Start’Up: “Every sugar beet producer is working on priming techniques, but we are confident that SESVanderHave excels in all fields. Thanks to our motivated team of scientists, who closely follow up the primed seeds, SESVanderHave delivers excellent, uniform results, with fewer bolters and excellent storability, ensuring that our Start’Up technology is right up there with the best in the world!”

The sooner the plant emerges from the soil, the longer its growing period will be. In addition, rapid ground cover ensures that the young plants can swiftly capture the maximum sunlight available, an essential growth factor. These two factors lead directly to higher yields. The vigour of young Start’Up plants thus increases considerably, especially in stressful situations. And as every grower knows, this is a key factor for growing successful crops. Healthy young sugar beets are always better equipped to resist poor weather conditions, diseases and insects early in the season.