SESVanderHave has developed its own ALS-inhibitor tolerant varieties, which are marketed under the CONVISO® SMART technology brand. In 2020, our first CONVISO® SMART varieties were registered in Europe.
The CONVISO® SMART system is an innovative alternative for sugar beet weed control.
What are the benefits of the CONVISO® SMART system for the farmer?
- Reliable efficacy
- Broad weed control spectrum
- Simplification of farm management practices with less applications
- Increased flexibility
- Best crop safety
Read more about the details in our technical leaflet.
Consult your local sales manager for more information on:
- CONVISO® SMART product concept
- Weed control and application strategies with the Bayer herbicide CONVISO® ONE*
- Crop safety
- Good agricultural practices
- Weed Resistance Management
- CONVISO® SMART features, advantages & benefits.
* CONVISO® ONE is a product for professional use only. Use plant protection products with caution. Before use, read the label and the information about the product.
Heinrich Reineke, Crop Management Specialist at SESVanderHave sheds some light on the advantages of the CONVISO® SMART technology.
Dirk Hyndrikx, Crop Solutions Engineer at SESVanderHave, gives some tips on how to use and store your CONVISO® SMART seed, to avoid contamination.
Paul Edeline, Product Manager Sugar Beet at SESVanderHave, shares a few insights on the spraying application of CONVISO® ONE.
Do you use CONVISO® SMART? Here's why you should systematically remove bolters and groundkeepers!