
The role of sugar beet for the fuel of the future.

Many people don't know that sugar beet is also a significant source of bioethanol. Bioethanol is a base material for the production of biofuels, currently a sector of great interest.

Sugar beet is thus a genuine source of energy, and, as an innovative global player, SESVanderHave is also a pioneer in research into the role of sugar beet in the production of bioethanol.

“The development of the SESVanderHave Tropical Beet and the new applications of sugar beet are a symbol of SESVanderHave’s continuous search for improvement and renewal”, says Jean-Noël Evrard.

“Thanks to its committed research, great flexibility and extensive knowledge of local markets, SESVanderHave is a genuinely global player in the international sugar beet seed market."

(Image source: Nordzucker AG)