02. Market Analysis
We start with an extensive market analysis to identify the challenges in each region in terms of climate, soil type, sugar industry needs, and threats such as diseases or insects, etc. We map these challenges in great detail, and with guidance from the sugar industry, determine the characteristics of the perfect sugarbeet variety for that market. These characteristics are referred to as "traits" and the adapted sugarbeet can comprise various traits, perfectly combined in a single variety.
Ideal sugarbeet
Our analysts define a plan for each region and each different condition in order to create the ideal sugarbeet. This plan is passed on to our breeders, who spend many years carrying out the necessary research and development work needed to deliver a new variety.
Additionally, SESVanderHave continually anticipates the future needs of growers and the sugar industry. We consider what diseases could emerge, will there be a limited use and registration of pesticides, and how will the sugar market evolve in future. This also takes close partnerships with the sugar industry.