
The syndrome ‘basses richesses’ (SBR) is an emerging sugar beet disease gaining in importance in certain sugar beet growing areas.

The disease is induced by two plant pathogenic bacteria and is transmitted by a planthopper. Typical symptoms include yellowing and chlorosis of older leaves, lanceolated and asymmetric new leaves and necrosis of the vascular root bundles.

SBR can impact root yield but most of all lowers significantly the sugar content, causing as such significant economic losses for growers and sugar industry.

Under presence of SBR, strong variability between different genetics and varieties can be observed. SESVanderHave experts have succeeded in offering a first solution to reduce strongly the impact of SBR.

SESVanderHave stays dedicated to the sugar beet crop and will continue its efforts to deliver genetic innovation to the market to overcome beet growers’ challenges such as SBR to assure future sugar beet cultivation.

Pentastiridius leporinus: vector for SBR in sugar beets

Sesvanderhave sugar beet disease technical leaflet SBR 2022

Technical Sheet

SESVanderHave Press Release 210517 SBR Syndrome de Basse Richesse ENG

Press Release SBR
17 May 2021
